Definition of Multiple fruit

1. Noun. Fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple.

Exact synonyms: Aggregate Fruit, Syncarp
Generic synonyms: Fruit
Specialized synonyms: Syconium
Derivative terms: Syncarpous

Definition of Multiple fruit

1. Noun. (botany) A fruit that develops from the fusion of carpels from more than one flower, as for instance, a pineapple. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Multiple Fruit

multiple endocrine neoplasia
multiple endocrine neoplasia 1
multiple endocrine neoplasia 2
multiple endocrine neoplasia 3
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a
multiple epiphysial dysplasia
multiple exostosis
multiple expansion
multiple expansions
multiple exposure
multiple fission
multiple fracture
multiple fruit
multiple fruits
multiple gestation
multiple glandular deficiency syndrome
multiple hamartoma syndrome
multiple idiopathic haemorrhagic sarcoma
multiple infection
multiple inheritance
multiple intestinal polyposis
multiple lentigines syndrome
multiple level
multiple levels
multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidaemia
multiple mononeuropathy
multiple mucosal neuroma syndrome

Literary usage of Multiple fruit

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Pharmaceutical Botany by Heber Wilkinson Youngken, Francis Edward Stewart (1914)
"... CONE is a scaly, multiple fruit consisting of a scale-bearing axis, each scale enclosing one or more seeds. The name is applied to the fruit of the Hop, ..."

2. A Practical Course in Botany: With Especial Reference to Its Bearings on by Eliza Frances Andrews (1911)
"The pineapple is an example of both an accessory and a multiple fruit, ... Dissection of a multiple fruit. — Get one of the dried figs sold by the grocers. ..."

3. Botany, Developmental and Descriptive by William Mansfield (1922)
"The pineapple is an indehiscent, fleshy, accessory, multiple fruit composed of the ripened ovaries of several flowers together with fleshy, modified scales, ..."

4. The Young Folks' Cyclopædia of Common Things by John Denison Champlin (1884)
"The mulberry is a multiple fruit. It looks like a blackberry, ... The pineapple is also a multiple fruit. FUNGI, a family of flowerless PLANTS, ..."

5. Outlines of Plant Life: With Special Reference to Form and Function by Charles Reid Barnes (1900)
"Under these conditions fleshy fruits frequently become adherent, and may thus constitute a multiple fruit quite similar in form to the fruit formed by the ..."

6. Botany for Young People and Common Schools: How Plants Grow, a Simple by Asa Gray (1859)
"A fig is a multiple fruit, being a hollow flower-stalk grown pulpy, the inside lined by a great number of ... 224) and the like is a sort of multiple fruit. ..."

7. Pharmaceutical Botany by Heber Wilkinson Youngken, Francis Edward Stewart (1914)
"... CONE is a scaly, multiple fruit consisting of a scale-bearing axis, each scale enclosing one or more seeds. The name is applied to the fruit of the Hop, ..."

8. A Practical Course in Botany: With Especial Reference to Its Bearings on by Eliza Frances Andrews (1911)
"The pineapple is an example of both an accessory and a multiple fruit, ... Dissection of a multiple fruit. — Get one of the dried figs sold by the grocers. ..."

9. Botany, Developmental and Descriptive by William Mansfield (1922)
"The pineapple is an indehiscent, fleshy, accessory, multiple fruit composed of the ripened ovaries of several flowers together with fleshy, modified scales, ..."

10. The Young Folks' Cyclopædia of Common Things by John Denison Champlin (1884)
"The mulberry is a multiple fruit. It looks like a blackberry, ... The pineapple is also a multiple fruit. FUNGI, a family of flowerless PLANTS, ..."

11. Outlines of Plant Life: With Special Reference to Form and Function by Charles Reid Barnes (1900)
"Under these conditions fleshy fruits frequently become adherent, and may thus constitute a multiple fruit quite similar in form to the fruit formed by the ..."

12. Botany for Young People and Common Schools: How Plants Grow, a Simple by Asa Gray (1859)
"A fig is a multiple fruit, being a hollow flower-stalk grown pulpy, the inside lined by a great number of ... 224) and the like is a sort of multiple fruit. ..."

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